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De-registration refers to the removal from the register of students for a variety of reasons, this also includes graduation.

If you have graduated or decide to de-register from Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf because of another reason, then you may use the official form to conclude the process of de-registration. You can find the de-registration form by accessing the  E-Student-Services.  Please also make sure that you don't have any books from the library of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf in your possession or unpaid fees or unpaid late fees.

For further information please contact „Studierendenservice“ the Student Services Center (SSC).

If you have any questions regarding your chosen study programme or think of leaving your current study programme but would like to have a conversation regarding your choice altogether, then please contact „move!“ –Team of „Studienberatung“ Study Counselling.

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